“Prayer for the success of Pondal Token”

Pondal Token
2 min readMar 26, 2023


Prayer or worship is a form of religious activity that requires a relationship with God, gods, spirits or supernatural powers that are worshiped, by carrying out specified activities. Prayers can be done together or individually. In some religious traditions, prayer may involve singing in the form of hymns, dance, reading of religious texts by singing or humming them, statements of formal creeds, or spontaneous utterances from those praying.

Deep prayer is distinguished from prayer, prayer is more spontaneous and personal, and generally not ritualistic. However, in essence these activities are the same, namely a form of communication between humans and their God.

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Most religions use one way of carrying out their prayer rituals. Several religions ritualize this activity by applying various rules such as time, procedures, and the order of prayer. There are also those who apply strict rules regarding what must be provided, for example offerings or offerings, and when the ritual must be performed. While some other views see praying or praying can be done at any time, by anyone.

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Pondal Token

Pondal Token Is Building a technology-based community and building a community mindset to be able to carry out activities with modern technology.